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Our Cast & Crew
Hidden Harbor Mysteries assembled an accomplished and award-winning cast of voice actors to bring you an adventure straight from radio's golden age, produced by Parsec-winning writers and producers Bryan Lincoln and Jay Smith
Veronica Giguere
as "The Femme Phantom"
Dave Robison
as The Narrator
Kathryn Pryde
as Mistress Penumbra (aka Madame Alraune)
Laura Nicole
as Kat Sparrow
M Sieiro Garcia
as Talon
Lauren "Scribe" Harris
as Miska, aka "The Red Wolf"
Norm Sherman
as Detective Horn
Johnny Feisty
as Foster
James Baxter Patton
as Caspar
Pat Krane
as various
Chris Lester
as various
Rish Outfield
as various
Alex White
as Mr. Greenstreet and various
Brion Humphrey
as various
Renée Chambliss
as various
John Scott Ballentine
as various
Ayoub Khote
as various
Mae Sally-Rogue Pax
as various
John Lincoln
as various
John S. Drew
as "The Historian"
Jay Smith talks to the Sonic Society
Jay Smith
Creator & Writer
Bryan Lincoln
Director & Producer
Bryan Lincoln on the Geek Side of Life
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